Our desire is to see teens come to know the fullness of life in Christ and become active participants in God's redemptive work in this world.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Our desire is to see teens come to know the fullness of life in Christ and become active participants in God's redemptive work in this world.
Our Director
Hi! My name is Kristen. I'm the Youth Director here at Chelan Naz. I serve as NYI (Nazarene Youth International) President on the board, I'm a worship leader, and I help Chris and the Church in various ways. I love teenagers, and am passionate about leading them towards a rich and vibrant life of following Jesus. I'm the first to admit how much I need God every single day. I pray that my transparency will help teens know that it's ok to not be perfect, why we must abide in Christ, and how much we need to stay connected to Him and community that encourages us in the daily living out of our faith.
Breakfast & Prayer
all middle school & high school students are invited to join us every Monday before school from 8:30-9:25am for donuts (maybe some bacon) and prayer. We want to start the week out right: on mission and dependent upon the Holy Spirit for what we need in the week to come. Located in the Next Door.
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Youth Group
We gather every other Sunday for a time of friendship, fun and devotion. The location will vary from the Next Door (church campus) and Pastor Chris & Kristen's home. The time also varies. Some Sundays we do a SWAG (Sunday Worship After Gathering). See the church calendar under the "connect" tab. We'll also send out invites via text and social media.
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Youth Worship Night
Our youth group is partnering with Real Life Church's youth group to put on some worship nights for area teens. So far we've hosted them in our worship center. check the calendar for the next one.
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District Events
Our church is a part of a larger church family called a District. Together we're able to make some amazing opportunities and events happen. things like Summer camp, winter Retreat, Super 7, Breakthrough and more.
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Super 7
Weekend Details:
Other Weekend FAQ's:
What will travel look like?: Where are we staying?
We will caravan after school with the Wenatchee and Leavenworth Naz youth groups to Coeur d' Alene Church of the Nazarene (CDA, Idaho). We will be staying with some other district Naz youth groups that are there for the weekend as well.
What do I need to bring?
You will need to bring everything you need to stay for two nights on a church floor. You can bring a cot, air mattress, or pad if you'd like. Otherwise,
-sleeping bag
-toiletries (DEODORANT!, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, etc.)
-clothes for two days (keep your clothing modest. Ask Kristen if you have questions :) )
-pajamas (appropriate for the setting. Girls will be in one section, boys in another section)
'To keep in mind:
-When packing your clothes, plan for warm and cold weather. The day at Silverwood could still be pretty warm, but Saturday evening when we're hanging out with our friends at CDA Naz and having a bonfire outside, it will likely be chilly.
-Sunday morning we will be attending the CDA Naz Church service.
Anything else I should know?
Silverwood Theme Park is cashless, meaning you won't be able to pay in cash while at the park. You'll need to bring a debit or cash card, or purchase a Silverwood gift card ahead of time at https://home.silverwoodthemepark.com/tickets/CashCardindex.php or when you get to the park. This of course is optional. This is if you want to purchase additional snacks or souvenirs while at the park.