Oswald Chambers once said, "Prayer doesn't fit us for the greater works, prayer is the greater work."
Sunday Mornings: Those present before the service gather on the platform to pray prior to our morning service. We pray for one another, for the church, for the ministry of the Word and for the guiding of the Holy Spirit. We usually pray after the morning music run thru at about 10:40am. Our pastor and other individuals are also available for prayer following our morning service.
Monday Evenings: Every Monday at 5pm a small group of people gather in our Worship Center to lift up the needs of our church family, surrounding community and however else the Holy Spirit might lead.
Pastoral Prayer: Pastor Chris and his wife, Kristen, pray regularly for and with our church family. While they are committed to praying for people, they also desire to pray with people when given the opportunity.
Prayer Chain: We send out Prayer Prompts to the church body as they arise. You are welcome to subscribe. Just fill out a connection card on the tab above and let us know you want to be a part of our email list.